ASTROLOGICAL TECHNIQUES have been developed by all wisdom systems across the planet as part of their efforts to understand their fate and to resolve problems. As such, astrological knowledge falls under the category of divination, or the art of using sacred knowledge to uncover hidden information. The term divination describes efforts to foretell future events or to discover hidden knowledge by supernatural means. As the term implies, divination is closely associated with cultivation of the spirit or supernatural realm. In this context the use of planetary or stellar influences sets astrology apart from other divination systems which use earth-bound sources of inspiration.
Astrological systems rely on vast bodies of information gathered from observations of the sky over large spans of time. In older societies it is clear that this information had to be gathered over many generations, often without the benefit of recording devices. In fact, many advances in mathematics and statistics arose as a response to the needs posed by the sheer volume of data required to process astronomical information. Yet it is apparent that from very early in the history of man, many of the astronomical concepts we take for granted were already quite well know.
These included the precession of the equinoxes, often referred to in the old myths by the tale of the “separation of the world parents”, the rotation of our galaxy around a “pole” star, (alpha draconis in the neolithic era–hence the importance of the dragon in all ancient myths), and the apparent movement of the planets in their various orbits. In fact, the tale of the earth as a flat plane corresponds more to an understanding of the cosmos as anchored around four pillars (the inter-cardinal directions–markers of the solsticial solar movement) than to any idea that planet earth was not spherical.
Whatever the case, astrological systems grew in complexity and understanding over the centuries and today they are widely used in all societies as methods to uncover hidden meaning. Whereas in the west we can boast primarily of one system based on the Babylonian zodiacal calendar, oriental astrological systems are more complex, with specialized horoscopes drawn for specific purposes.
As part of feng shui and geomancy practice we typically use the following systems:
Ming Qwa
This system is used to correlate the building to its user. Depending on its orientation, structures are classified into categories. Ideally the building and its user would correspond to the same grouping. In addition, these classifications also provide information on the most auspicious directions or sectors in a structure for given individuals. Special emphasis can than be placed on healing, prosperity, harmony, and business.
9 Star Ki
Although this system is actually Japanese, it is based on earlier Chinese precedents. I use it to evaluate the life path of the client and to uncover personal potential and hidden blocks. It also provides extensive information on health factors, and casts light on the dynamic interlay between individuals in families, organizations and corporations. It also provides information on auspicious directions for travel and moving as well as for the timing of specific events such as weddings, grand openings, etc.
Flying Star
This system is used to cast a horoscope for a building. It plots the movement of intangible (invisible) forces that are acting on the various sectors of a building at different points in time. This is an extremely useful technique which can shed information on the likelihood of success or failure for an enterprise or a home. Because it can be refined to predict probabilities in increasingly smaller units of time, this technique often astounds with its accuracy. It can predict the probability of fire or burglary, for example, not only in time, but also as a function of a particular location within the structure.
I Ching
This system of astrology is based on the wisdom book of the same name. I use it primarily to evaluate the client’s predicament in the context of larger issues, in order to counsel them as to the correct path of action for any given situation. This is primarily a tool for creating wisdom in the world.
Four Pillars
This is a technique in which the 5-Element energy related to the individual is used to analyze and promote their particular potential and talents. Four Pillars is also helpful in determining weaknesses and liabilities that may pose risks to personal as well as family health, wealth, and fortune. It is also used to provide forecasts for events into the future and to make adjustments to personal space.