Building with Harmony:
Feng Shui and Geomancy in Action.
The dramatic growth of ecological awareness, sustainable design, and green building has also seen an expansion in demand for more traditional building practices such as feng shui and geomancy (earth energy studies). As a result, these have gradually become standard practice on many building programs and construction projects. Contemporary building professionals are concerned with sustainability and ecological accountability. Geomancy and feng shui not only recognize the need for such practices, but they also provide a psychological and spiritual context within which to explore them. Because these methods approach nature directly, they are admirably suited to help us re-establish our relationships to the land, our ancestry as manifested in buildings and landscapes, and to the spiritual forces contained in the earth, natural phenomena, and the biosphere. I hope that through the examples shown in this brochure, awareness of these practices as applied in design and construction projects may spread even wider.
Optimal dates for Ground Breaking, Contract Signing, Blessing and Grand Opening events
Feng Shui is the art of creating harmony, health and fortune in everyday life. Its goal is to make life easier and more conducive to the achievement of personal, communal, or institutional potential. In addition to physical placement, Feng Shui is also concerned with the influence exerted by the timing of events on performance and good fortune. This feng shui almanac is an aide to building professionals and anyone interested in building schedules. It provides ideal dates for contract negotiation, purchase and lease agreements, ground breaking ceremonies, space clearings, blessings, and grand openings. It also includes dates which are not auspicious and which should be avoided.
The Use of Energetic Criteria in Health Care Design
A revolution in health care is quickly taking hold. This new paradigm relies upon traditional allopathic methods in conjunction with complementary modalities such as stress reduction, improved nutrition, and many forms of mind-body medicine. Simultaneously, expertise in traditional building practices such as feng shui and geomancy has also experienced increasing demand. Developed as ways with which to maximize human and natural potential, these techniques have direct application to health and healing. This book summarizes the energetic criteria used by feng shui experts in the planning and design of health care facilities.